Harina Utwani
What are we, where do we belong?
Shedding our blood for a phase so long.
Blooming out of the dirt, from where we are sure to leave;
Then why do we now thrive on the lands that cleave?
Growing up they taught; siblings are the people of our domain,
Others’ land of glee are we then meant to drain?
We praise the men locking horns for the realm they secure;
What extent of anguish do you think the mortals would endure?
Blooming out of the dirt, from where we are sure to leave;
Then why do we now thrive on the lands that cleave?
Growing up they taught; siblings are the people of our domain,
Others’ land of glee are we then meant to drain?
We praise the men locking horns for the realm they secure;
What extent of anguish do you think the mortals would endure?
What are we, where do we belong?
Started with a living, travelling right to wrong.
Growing in an empire, ending up making clans,
Waging wars for power, so brutal were our plans!
Needs made us beg for peace, officially we were sundered with hate;
Are we unknown of our departure which brings us to a parallel fate?
Are we still alive or just running away from humanity so illusory?
We hang our hats and devour our dine under a barbaric advisory.
What are we, where do we belong?
Searching for the lost answers with an urge so strong.
Marvelous blog!!! So true when we seek answers we cannot find.